They burn houses, kill people and cut heads. In an interview with PLATAFORMA, D. Luíz Fernando Lisboa, Bishop of Pemba, describes the terror in the Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, where armed groups, with their faces covered, have killed more than 1,100 people. More than 200,000 displaced people need humanitarian aid.
“What the population is going through is an unspeakable thing, very difficult indeed”, says the Bishop of Pemba, who from the theater of war gives the voice for a population that flees their villages and seeks shelter in urban centers, passing days in the bush, not knowing where to hide. D. Luíz Fernando Lisboa asked all missionaries and nuns to leave the region, having stayed to coordinate humanitarian aid and give voice to the complaint.
D. Luíz launches an appeal to the world to reinforce humanitarian aid and international solidarity. The “fear”, this, rules life in Cabo Delgado.