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Scientist Explores Antarctic Cyclones After 15-Year Wait for Dream Expedition

Camila Carpenedo explains how atmospheric balloons can aid in understanding the climate crisis

Camila Bertoletti Carpenedo, 38, a researcher at the Federal University of Paraná, was supposed to embark on an Antarctic expedition in 2010. However, a humanitarian disaster led to its postponement. Nearly 15 years later, her dream has finally come true.

Sailing near the frozen ocean, Carpenedo describes how her atmospheric balloons can contribute to understanding the climate crisis.

“The project I am working on seeks to understand how the variability of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is linked to the South American monsoon.

For instance, the expansion of Antarctic sea ice in areas like the Ross Sea and the Indian Ocean influences the incursion of polar cold air over the Amazon during the austral winter—resulting in intense cold fronts.

Recent examples of extreme weather linked to polar-origin cold fronts include the 2024 climatic tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul and the heavy rains on São Paulo’s northern coast in February 2023.

Specifically, here, we will assess the relationship between sea ice and the passage of extratropical cyclones. These low-pressure systems are associated with intense rainfall, strong winds, hail, and storm surges.

To carry out this assessment, we launch atmospheric radiosondes equipped with sensors for air temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. This data allows us to estimate additional variables.

Our goal is to understand how these data profiles vary under different sea ice conditions.”

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