And now? What happens to Fernando Santos after Portugal’s elimination from the World Cup and having set the bar for the title? Fernando Gomes, president of the FPF, does not like to tear up contracts, and the coach thinks he has the conditions to continue. But there are situations that escape the scope of both: among them, Ronaldo’s decision to continue representing the national team depends (or not) on Santos’ continuity, after having clashed with the coach due to his substitute status.
According to DN, the president of the Portuguese Football Federation will wait for the reports of the Portuguese participation in the World Cup to then meet with the coach. Not that the coach’s future depends on it, since the leader is aware of everything that happened in Qatar. But he wants to analyze them in the presence of Fernando Santos and thus jointly assess whether or not there are conditions to keep everything as it is until 2024, the year of the end of the contractual relationship.
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