Início » Gaming: six provisory gaming concessions awarded

Gaming: six provisory gaming concessions awarded

TDM Rádio Macau

The Government granted provisional concessions to explore casinos for the next ten years to the following gaming operators:

1) MGM Grand Paradise S.A.;

2) Galaxy Casino, S.A.;

3) Venetian Macau, S.A.;

4) Melco Resorts (Macau) S.A.;

5) Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A.;

6) SJM Resorts, S.A.

During a press conference held on Saturday, the Gaming Tender Commission chairman, André Cheong said that GMM was excluded after ranking lower in the evaluation. The awarding of the definitive concessions and signing of contracts will be done by the end of the year. The new ten-year concessions start on January 1, 2023.

From the various negotiations with the Tender Commission, the conditions and commitments submitted by the bidders to which the concessions were provisionally awarded, the requirements set by the Government concerning the guarantee of employment of local workers, expansion of customer markets in foreign countries, development of non-gaming projects, among others, are fulfilled.

The Tender Commission will now negotiate the content of the concession contract with the six bidders who were provisionally awarded the concessions in accordance with the law. By the end of this year, the process of the definitive award of the concessions for the exploration of games of chance will be concluded, to sign the respective concession contracts, so that the new concessionaires may operate, as from 1 January next year, in accordance with the revised legal regime for gambling and the new concession contract.

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