Início » Over 600 people visited Kiang Wu Hospital’s A&E in 1 day during Covid peak

Over 600 people visited Kiang Wu Hospital’s A&E in 1 day during Covid peak

TDM Rádio Macau

Kiang Wu Hospital had seen as many as 660 people registered at its emergency room in one day during the peak of this Covid outbreak.

Medical workers in the hospital recounted their experience, as many of their colleagues who were infected only got a short rest before returning to their position.

The hospital’s deputy director said about 30 percent of the infected older people who sought treatment from Kiang Wu had checked in to the facility.

The hospital thus adjusted the allocation of medical resources from A&E to elderly care.

As the hospital is currently fully occupied, it is calling on Covid-19 patients to first take the medicines provided by the government, and only go to a hospital to seek medical treatment when necessary.

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