In the face of the epidemic attack worldwide, the conflict between China and the United States has intensified, even the neighboring Hong Kong is under the pressure of national security laws, Macau is like a Lotus blessing Land. Since the epidemic spread, Macau still maintains a record of zero medical infections and zero deaths of patients; the China-US trade war may only affect the market investment atmosphere, which more indirectly affects the economy; as for the National Security Law, Macau implemented local legislation as early as 2009.
“Good kids have no candy” does not apply to Macau. Macau’s Public utilities (90% of the water supply and 85% of the electricity supply come from Zhuhai), food and oil supply (monopolized by the state-owned enterprise Nanguang & Nanyue Group), and the gambling tourism industry driven by tourist and gambler (the mainland implements a free travel policy). The vast majority of Macau’s necessities are highly dependent on the mainland.
The mother has given enough things for the child. It is enough to raise the child to be healthy, to make money, and to help the mother to work. When the mother makes a mistake, there is no need to intervene; when the brother is trapped, there is no need to help. It is enough to be a filial son, and to do what the mother said.
*Journalist at Plataforma