Início » One hundred thousand vehicles from Macau have crossed the border since the new circulation policy

One hundred thousand vehicles from Macau have crossed the border since the new circulation policy

Close to 100,000 private vehicles from Macau have circulated between the territory and China since the launch of the measure allowing vehicles from the semi-autonomous region to enter Guangdong province, the authorities announced.

Since January 1, 93,195 vehicles that have only Macao registration have crossed the border, according to the Gongbei Customs portal.

“Before, many residents had to cross the border between Zhuhai and Macau on foot”, and can now use their own vehicles for cross-border trips, he said.

To obtain the license that allows you to travel across the border, Macau residents must be 18 years old and hold a safe-conduct for travel to the interior of China, a document that is only granted to Chinese citizens and not to foreigners.

Vehicles can enter and leave Guangdong multiple times, as long as the period of stay does not exceed the validity of the license, the stay per entry in Guangdong does not exceed 30 consecutive days, and the annual stay does not exceed 180 cumulative days.

In February, Macau authorities also announced that holders of driving licenses in the territory, including permanent residents of foreign nationality, will be able to drive in China from May 16.

The Director of Services for Traffic Affairs (DSAT), Lam Hin San, confirmed to Lusa that the waiver of examination for the recognition of Macau driving licenses includes residents who do not have Chinese nationality.

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