Início » German companies could prepare for “gradual restart” in weeks

German companies could prepare for “gradual restart” in weeks

The German government would ensure in the coming weeks that companies could better prepare for the “gradual restart” of economic activities, Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier said Friday.

Germany’s economy was “healthy at its core” and competitive, stressed Altmaier, adding that it could “get back on track next year and achieve a remarkable growth rate” of 5 percent.

Altmaier made the remarks at a press conference after a meeting with representatives of Germany’s leading industry and economic associations. They discussed how the current measures were working so far, as well as which measures would be required in the future.

“We are not on safe ground,” said government spokesperson Steffen Seibert before the meeting.

According to Seibert, the easing of measures would be reassessed every 14 days.

Large retailers in Germany have been complaining that shops with more than 800 square meters of sales area were not allowed to open under the new hygiene regulations and restrictions that were announced on Wednesday.

The German department store chain Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof filed an urgent motion at the regional court in Munster on Friday for its stores to open.

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