Início » After school, a hospital. Sadio Mané, the humble idol who helps Senegal

After school, a hospital. Sadio Mané, the humble idol who helps Senegal

Diário de Notícias

Sadio Mané, Made in Senegal is a documentary that tells the life of the Liverpool star. And what a life! The striker never denied his origins and whenever he can help the people of Sédhiou, his native Senegal. The film has Mané as narrator and gets to thrill. The father’s death and the memories of a time of poverty add even more value to the story of an idol who is opposed to luxury, humble and worthy. Building a hospital is your greatest pride.

Mané recalled the day he received the news of his father’s death – he was just seven years old and playing on a football field – and how it influenced him to build a hospital that will open in six months in Bambali, a village in Sédhiou , where 70% of families live on the poverty line.

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