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Selective globalisation

Guilherme Rego

History repeats itself. Memory rarely serves to prevent the past from resurfacing in the present. Cycles knock at the door, preventing a future that breaks them. But in a modern world, the nuances increase tenfold. The Cold War was not equipped with the technological support of today, nor were economies as interlinked as they are now. There are few who, between the raindrops, resist opting for one of the blocs.

When the era of globalisation was born, it was thought that the more economies were linked, the less likely they were to go to war. Optimism always ends up falling prey to opportunism. In fact, the more interconnected they are, the greater their dependence on each other. This conditionality is a trump card used over and over again, and it erodes coexistence. How many countries have not condemned Russia’s invasion because of its economic or energy dependence? How many times has the US not used the hegemony of the dollar to assert its interests in the world?

The UN is incapable of turning national interests into the common good. Its very structure, with permanent members with veto power on both sides of the aisle, perpetuates international division. So alternative movements have emerged, such as the BRICS: with more and more members, and with the idea of using a common currency for trade, worn out by dependence on the dollar. These movements, however, are not inclusive. It’s selective globalisation, which leaves out and weakens those who don’t adopt the same vision.

Around the world, protectionism is gaining strength, and it rarely stops in the economy; it branches out into the cultural and identity area, promoting demonisation, hatred and division. This protectionist broth elected Trump, Bolsonaro, Meloni, and consolidates the growth of radicalism in Europe; Portugal to name a few… Brexit is also a consequence of this, the current wars are exacerbated, and justified by the same principle.

With the resumption of talks between China and the United States, it was said that they did not agree on a number of issues, but that this could not lead to a conflict between the parties. Although they have resumed communications at the highest level, they are still far from a healthy competition, where protectionism does not block the connection between peoples. Disinformation proliferates, and blocs consolidate. These walls don’t erode with time; rather, they are destroyed by leaders who aren’t afraid of openness. Without globalisation, there is no world development and poverty grows. Wars are often the result of trying to escape a future that doesn’t give in to slow death.

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