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Joe Biden will defend UN Security Council reform

The US President will speak about reforming the UN Security Council, a topic that has become a “workhorse” for Americans since the invasion of Ukraine, a diplomatic aide to Joe Biden said today.

“[The US President] is going to speak seriously on the issue of reforming the [UN] Security Council in New York,” Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, said at a press conference on the eve of Joe Biden address the United Nations General Assembly.

“We are yet to determine whether he will speak publicly or in conversations with [UN Secretary-General António Guterres] and others,” he added, indicating that, however, it is “very possible” that Biden will speak publicly on the matter.

The issue of UN Security Council reform arises with each international crisis, which always leads one member of the five permanent members (China, United States, France, United Kingdom and Russia) to use the right of veto to block one or another resolution.

But the way Moscow has used its own right of veto since the February 24 invasion of Ukraine has led Washington to take matters into its own hands and advocate an increase in the number of permanent members and changes to the veto statute. .

According to Jaque Sullivan, the US President will also make “new important announcements” about how the United States will invest in food security.

Generally, Biden intends to rally as many countries as possible around the condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after the main emerging countries have recently publicly distanced themselves from Russia.

“What he will really highlight about Ukraine will be the founding principle at the heart of the UN charter, that a country cannot conquer its neighbors by force,” said Biden’s diplomatic aide.

“All States, democracies or autocracies, have ratified the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. It’s a way to address all the countries gathered in this room, including those that have recently expressed greater concern and distance from Russia,” explained Jake Sullivan.

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