Início » Napoli ends three-decade drought and wins first post-Maradona title

Napoli ends three-decade drought and wins first post-Maradona title

The longer a team’s lack of titles, the greater the celebration of its fans when the wait comes to an end. In the case of Napoli, more than three decades of anxiety were transformed into euphoria in one night, this Thursday (4), when the club won the Italian Championship for the third time, the first since the generation of idol Diego Armando Maradona.

The final whistle of the 1-1 draw with Udinese, away from home, was enough for most of the 13,000 Neapolitans who traveled to Udine, a city in the north of the country, to invade the pitch to celebrate the result alongside the players, enough to secure the “scudetto” with five rounds in advance.

In the south of Italy, almost 850 km away, the city of Naples was transformed into a grandstand. While the Diego Armando Maradona stadium received more than 60,000 fans, who watched the game on eight screens, an invaluable number of fans took to the streets euphoric, vibrating under the sky illuminated by flares and fireworks.

Many of them wore a mask similar to the protection used by Victor Osimhen, 24, one of the great heroes of the conquest. Top scorer of the competition, he reached the 22nd ball in the net when he scored the title goal in the second half of the confrontation with Udinese.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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