Início » “There will be no World War III,” says Zelensky

“There will be no World War III,” says Zelensky

“This is not a trilogy,” Zelensky said, after saying there will be no successor to World Wars I and II, “which killed millions of people.”

Himself a former actor, Zelensky recalled that the Golden Globes were created in the middle of World War II, with the first edition rewarding the best performances in 1944, at a time when the war was still shaking the world.

“World War II wasn’t over yet, but the tide had turned and everyone knew who was going to win,” he said. “Now it is 2023, the war in Ukraine is not over but the tide is turning and it is already clear who will win.”

Zelensky underlined the world’s support for the Ukrainian cause and called for its continuation. “There are still battles and tears ahead of us, but now I can definitely tell you who have been the best in the last year, it was you,” he said. “The free peoples of the free world. Those who have united around support for a free Ukrainian people in our common struggle for freedom.”

Read more at Jornal de Notícias

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