They do not promise the full return of rest, but they have properties that can provide an improvement in sleep. Meet them
Sleep deprivation is one of the worst health hazards, largely due to the busy lifestyle we tend to have. Anxiety and uncertainty occupied our days, which ended up not making sleep habits easier. Furthermore, several people complained of having more and more intense dreams, which also made this process difficult. This type of events ends up interfering more with women, who have more difficulty falling asleep and “turning off” their brain.
We already know that sleeping well has several health benefits, one of which is helping in the weight loss process, but there are several other reasons. For these same reasons, there are some foods that can help you spend the night better and avoid some problems.
Here are some foods that should not be missing from your weekly menu:
Almonds and Nuts – Not only walnuts but almonds also contain high levels of magnesium and are also a great source of sleep hormones like melatonin.
Turkey – A slice of turkey about an hour before bed can help, experts tell Vogue. This is due to the high level of tryptophan and protein, which help to activate the drowsy state.
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