Two-thirds of the Portuguese (67%) believe that NATO countries should continue to provide military aid to Ukraine and about half (49%) believe in the victory of the Ukrainians, according to an Aximage poll for the JN, DN and TSF. . The war, however, will linger over time (45%), or escalate into direct conflict between Russia and NATO (21%). For a minority, it will be even worse: 7% of those questioned fear that it will end in a nuclear war.
When the Portuguese are asked about their expectations of the evolution of the conflict, it is evident that there is a clear majority of those who guess that the war, which has been going on for seven months, will be a long one. Only a scant 15% believe that the outcome will be brief, either because there will be an agreement between the two parties (9%), or because Ukraine will cede territory to Russia (6%).
But there are also those who have darker prospects for the future. At least two in ten Portuguese think that the evolution will be towards enlargement towards a direct conflict between Russia and NATO, in particular women (seven percentage points more than in the case of men). And they are also the most pessimistic about the possibility that everything will culminate in a nuclear war (four percentage points more than men). All in all, a third (33%) of women predict an escalation in the scale and effects of the war.
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