Início » David Mendes leaves UNIA bench in breach with party support for demonstration

David Mendes leaves UNIA bench in breach with party support for demonstration

DaIndependent deputy David Mendes announced yesterday in Luanda, on the debate program of TV Zimbo, that he will depart from the UNITA parliamentary bench. The deputy said he will formalize his intention tomorrow, Tuesday

David Mendes justified that his position stems from the fact that the president of UNI-TA, Adalberto Costa Júnior, minimized the death threats against him by a group of protesters supported by the largest opposition party, following his comments on the positioning of party formation on the subject.

The deputy considered at the time that “UNITA made a strategic mistake” by sticking to the demonstrators, who took to the streets on the 24th of last (Saturday) of October, having starred in scenes of vandalism and destruction of public and private property.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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