Início » Huawei president in Brazil warns that the country will pay more for 5G if the company is banned

Huawei president in Brazil warns that the country will pay more for 5G if the company is banned

Julio Wiziack

Baocheng says that without the company, the evolution of technology would take up to four years to start

In Brazil for six years, Sun Baocheng, 43, is passionate about the country’s natural beauty, lemon caipirinha and barbecue. His familiarity with the local culture gave him a push this year to take over Huawei, the global giant of telephone and internet network equipment, accepting one of the biggest challenges since the company settled in the country two decades ago .

The target of a global dispute between the U.S. and China, Huawei risks being banned from supplying equipment for 5G networks in Brazil due to a strategic alignment between Jair Bolsonaro and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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