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More than 100 politicians in defense of the liberation Assange, creator of WikiLeaks

More than 100 politicians, including the current Venezuelan President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, former Presidents of Brazil Lula da Silva and Dilma Roussef, have called for the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Several former and current heads of state and government, numerous deputies and diplomats from 27 countries signed a letter promoted by the international organization of lawyers “lawyers4assange” in which the United Kingdom is asked to suspend extradition to the USA and in which it is denounced “ the illegality ”of the trial against Assange, according to a statement. Check out the political figures who signed the letter here.

Julian Assange, 49 years old, is an Australian national editor who became known through the WikiLeaks website, founded in 2006. In 2010, a series of confidential information was published on WikiLeaks, through a US military officer, Chelsea Manning . The leaks included the collateral murder of the Baghdad air raid, the Badgad War Journal and Cablegate. After the publications, the US government launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks.

In the letter, lawyers and legal experts maintain that the extradition trial instigated by the US, which charges the Australian with 18 alleged crimes of espionage and computer intrusion, “violates national and international law and the rights to a fair trial and other human rights ”And“ threatens press freedom and democracy ”.

The initiative joins other campaigns promoted to obtain the release of the journalist (who is in remand), including one from Amnesty International (AI) in which he asks Washington to drop its charges, which has already collected more than 400,000 subscriptions.

The London extradition trial now enters the third week.

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