Início » ‘Labanta Braço’ is music against racism that brings together black artists

‘Labanta Braço’ is music against racism that brings together black artists

The platform Rimas e Batidas and the radio programme Raptilário on Friday launched an instrumental compilation created by black artists to protest against racism and disrespect for human rights, entitled “Labanta Braço“.

“In a year marked by racist actions and disrespect for human rights (with media coverage and in the light of cameras) on this and the other side of the ocean, we are forced to reflect more on the treatment the black community receives from institutions and people who should be more concerned with protecting it than marginalising it,” said Ricardo Farinha, founder of Raptilário.

This is why he joined Rimas e Batidas and, together, they launched an instrumental compilation in solidarity created by 37 black artists, who challenged to adhere to this cause that belongs to everyone, for all the victims of racism and social oppression, for change, peace and justice, by victims like George Floyd or Bruno Candé Marques.

This appeal is mirrored in the name of the compilation, as a challenge launched against racism and alluding to the symbol of the antiracist struggle, with the fist closed in an upright arm: “Labanta o Braço”.

“This is the soundtrack of a social revolution, a cry for equality and with one voice – even if we find artists of such different genders, ages, backgrounds and contexts here, the coordinators of the initiative explain in a statement.

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