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The virus first reaches the brain and takes away the smell and taste


A group of Chinese scientists looked at the brains of patients who died with Covid-19 and contrasted those observations with experiments they had already done on animals. The researchers found that the coronavirus reaches the nervous system, intranasally, even before reaching the lungs. The conclusions of this study were mentioned by Robert Lent, Professor Emeritus at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a researcher at Instituto D’Or, in an article published in the newspaper O Globo.

Results that help to understand the latest research on the neurological effects of the virus. Loss of smell and / or taste are common symptoms in people with COVID-19 in Europe, according to a study coordinated by two otorhinolaryngologists linked to the University of Mons (Belgium), reports AFP. This study carried out on 417 patients infected (263 women and 154 men) with the new coronavirus, but in a “not serious” way, shows that 86% have problems with smell (most do not feel anything anymore) and that 88% have disorders of taste. Olfactory disorders usually occur at the same time as the general symptoms (cough, muscle pain, loss of appetite, fever) and otorhinolaryngological symptoms (facial pain, stuffy nose) of the disease. Sometimes, however, loss of smell, or taste, occurs after these other symptoms (in 23% of cases), or earlier (in 12% of cases).

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