Início » Europe has spread the new coronavirus to the world

Europe has spread the new coronavirus to the world


A team from the universities of Minho and Huddersfield (United Kingdom) “genetically proved” that the new coronavirus appeared in China, but it was from Europe that it spread the most to the world, Minho’s academy announced today

In a statement, the University of Minho (UMinho) says that the conclusion is in a study that has just been published in the magazine “Microorganisms” and analyzed 27,000 genomes of that virus worldwide.

The coordinators of the study, Teresa Rito and Pedro Soares, explain that the SARS-CoV-2 virus had an epicenter in China in January 2020 and “a single strain of this virus, coming from East Asia, ended up having a massive spread in Europe”, becoming the“ main actor of the worldwide spread in the month of March ”.

“This virus lineage is responsible for the vast majority of cases detected globally and has even spread to its origin in East Asia,” adds the scientific article.

In other words, they maintain, the pandemic was fueled mainly by its expansion inside and outside Europe.

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