The “Propaganda in the US Presidential Elections” can be visited until November 20 next to the large auditorium of ISCTE, in Lisbon. The exhibit covers the entire North American political spectrum since the beginning of the 20th century
“In the United States, the old rule holds that where there are three Trotskyists, there are two groups. So there must be at least two dozen supporters there ”of the professional revolutionary. Pacheco Pereira thus justifies the abundance of pamphlets on the far left while guiding the visit by propaganda in the US Presidentials.
The historian and curator of the exhibition explains that “some people are very amazed that there are so many American communists”, but says that it was even one that helped him to tell the life of a Portuguese history. Morris Childs, “who is the only guy who has a CIA medal and another one from the Soviet Union,” was a Marxist leader and an undercover FBI. It was the reports of the American informant that allowed Pacheco Pereira to read “in detail the interventions of Álvaro Cunhal in the meetings of the Communist International”, says the biographer of the former secretary general of the PCP.
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