Início » Bolsonaro admits to returning to the party he abandoned last year

Bolsonaro admits to returning to the party he abandoned last year

The President of Brazil admitted, on Thursday, to return to the Social Liberal Party (PSL), for which he was elected in the 2018 presidential elections, and which he left last year after disagreements. After breaking with the PSL, Bolsonaro announced the creation of the Alliance Party for Brazil, but acknowledged that this is a complicated process.

“It is difficult to form a party. It’s not impossible. [But] I cannot invest 100% in Aliança [for Brazil]. I have been looking at other parties. I have already spoken to three parties, and one was Roberto Jefferson’s [PTB, Brazilian Labor Party]. There is the fourth hypothesis, from the PSL, which signaled a reconciliation at the table ”, declared Jair Bolsonaro, in the usual live broadcast on the social network Facebook.

Bolsonaro was elected head of state by the PSL in 2018, but left the party after conflicts with the president of political formation, Luciano Bivar. Since then Bolsonaro has been trying to form the Alliance for Brazil.

However, until last month, the Brazilian electoral court had only accepted 3.2% of the signatures handed over to form the party, after detecting irregularities, such as non-existent voters and people who have already died.

Of the 492,000 voter signatures required for the Alliance for Brazil party to become a reality, as of July 13, only about 16,000 had been accepted, while more than 25,000 were rejected due to irregularities, according to the Superior Electoral Court.

“I’m going to talk to PSL. Although I left, there are about 43, 44 parliamentarians with whom I talk. There are about eight who cannot talk at the level, [because] they attack in person, ”added Bolsonaro, stressing that he would not give up on the Alliance for Brazil yet.

In the weekly direct transmission on Facebook, the Brazilian President again defended the use of chloroquine in the treatment of covid-19, a drug used in diseases such as malaria, but without scientific evidence of the effectiveness against the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

Bolsonaro justified the army’s production of about four million chloroquine pills, stating that they will only be sold with a prescription, but that “nothing will be wasted”: “Some were criticizing me, saying ‘oh, the President sent the army manufacture pills’. It is not just the army. If each person takes half a dozen, with a prescription, it gives 700, 800 thousand doses. (…) Nothing will be thrown away, everything will be used in one way or another ”, he said.

The President indicated that the Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) of Brazil would have authorized the purchase of chloroquine with a common medical prescription.

“The information arrived here that the president of Anvisa, Admiral Barra, just confirmed the information about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. You can already buy with a simple prescription, if your doctor recommends it, obviously, ”said the head of state, who took the opportunity to regret the more than 100,000 deaths caused by covid-19 in the country.

Bolsonaro, one of the most skeptical heads of state about the severity of the pandemic, contracted the disease in July and said he recovered thanks to chloroquine.

Brazil totals 105,463 deaths and 3,224,876 confirmed cases of covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, being the second country most affected by the disease in the world, after the United States.

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