Início » MP criticizes proposal to replace “colonialist names” on the streets in Macau

MP criticizes proposal to replace “colonialist names” on the streets in Macau

Pro-democracy legislator Sulu Sou today criticized a proposal to replace “colonialist names” on the streets of Macau, considering it “satirical and ridiculous” and warning of the danger of destroying a “unique heritage” in the world

At the origin of the deputy’s intervention is a proposal by a member of the Advisory Council of the Institute for Municipal Affairs (IAM), made on July 15, arguing that the names of the streets of the territory should be submitted to public consultation, a suggestion made to the margin of the agenda, which at that time did not deserve comments to that body, according to the local press.

That member of the IAM Advisory Council proposed that the street names of Macau, spelled in Portuguese and Chinese, be changed, “because they carry the history of the humiliation of the Chinese people”.

Read more in Portuguese at PLATAFORMA

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