Início » Divorces increased during the pandemic in Brazil. 70% of requests made by women

Divorces increased during the pandemic in Brazil. 70% of requests made by women

According to Family and Succession lawyer Débora Guelman, the intense coexistence during the quarantine physically and emotionally burdened Brazilian families and, above all, women

“This social isolation forced by the pandemic increases the coexistence between couples and precisely this increase in coexistence generates conflicts. Because of this, the probability of more divorces is much greater ”, said Débora Guelman, in an interview with Rádio Nacional of Brazil.

The lawyer says that about 70% of divorce applications are initiated by women, and the most frequent complaint is the work overload they have. “These women work, take care of their children and take care of the home. So, they can’t stand macho relationships, she said.

In Brazil there are two types of divorces. In the simplest, called “extrajudicial”, couples can split up more quickly, at the Civil Registry Office, amicably. The judicial or litigious divorce, on the other hand, takes place before a judge and involves more complex issues such as lack of agreement between the couple, sharing of assets, alimony and custody of the children.

In Belo Horizonte, a therapeutic group made up of three psychologists and lawyer Gabriela Sallit was created to support women who are going through this phase. The group meets through an online platform, with the participation of three to six people.

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