Início » Bolsonaro may be subject to impeachment. New police case in the Government of Brazil

Bolsonaro may be subject to impeachment. New police case in the Government of Brazil

João Almeida Moreira, em São Paulo

After the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, in 2016, and two complaints against Michel Temer, in 2017, Brazilian politics becomes a police case again in 2020. Literally.

Because of an accusation, during the resignation speech of the Minister of Justice, Sérgio Moro, of interference in the command of the federal police, supposedly for his own benefit and that of the family, Jair Bolsonaro may be the target of a complaint, like Temer, or , at the limit, of an impeachment, like Dilma.

At the moment, police investigators are taking depositions – in addition to Moro, three government ministers, six police delegates and a deputy have already spoken – and they are analyzing a video that may be a key factor in solving the case.

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