Início » ‘My Dark Vanessa’, the book that is the Lolita of the #MeToo era

‘My Dark Vanessa’, the book that is the Lolita of the #MeToo era

Úrsula Passos

Pointed out as the ‘Lolita’ of the #MeToo era, book chronicles teacher-student relationship and caused controversy on social networks

In 2018, Kate Elizabeth Russell got a publisher for her first novel, which she had been writing since she was 16, sold for what the American publishing market calls a seven-digit contract. Since then, “Minha Sombria Vanessa”, launched in March in the United States and recently arrived in Brazil, is awaited with great expectation and publicized as the “Lolita” of the MeToo era.

Read more in Folha de S.Paulo

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