Início » Billionaires’ condo cause anger for having a Covid-19 test center

Billionaires’ condo cause anger for having a Covid-19 test center


A billionaire condo in Saint Tropez, on the French Riviera, is causing a lot of controversy as it has its own Covid-19 testing center, which is inaccessible to the vast majority of people.

According to what the Washington Post writes, the condominium in question is Les Parcs de Saint-Tropez, with 700 hectares, where, for example, the president of the luxury group LVMH, Bernard Arnault, the owner of the Ritz Paris Mohamed Al-Fayed and Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal have a house. And now also has a medical unit with a doctor and a laboratory technician to collect and process samples from residents and their friends.

This space have been organized by the president of the association of Les Parcs, Jean-Louis Oger. The millionarie pharmaceutical who has several clinics and laboratories in the south of France.

The people of Saint Tropez have already condemned the clandestine center, stressing that this is yet another “example of the inequality” that has triggered the protest movement of the yellow vests, which have stirred France since the end of 2018.

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