From 1990 to 2016, there were numerous and barbaric terrorist attacks in Xinjiang and throughout China, carried out by Islamic extremists. How did the Chinese proceed to eradicate those who wanted to separate the region from the country and found a theocratic state?
The 1990s saw the emergence, organized globally, of Islamic-inspired extremism and terrorism, which did not resonate with most Muslims or their spiritual leaders.
The Wahhabi reading of the Koran, largely followed and defended by theorists from Saudi Arabia (but not only), imposed a radical vision of Islam, which proposed a universal theocratic caliphate, in which the imposition of a radical version would be pushed to the limit. of sharia (Islamic law) through norms such as the prohibition of music and dance, the separation of men and women – who would be forced to cover their entire body by wearing the burka and would be considered second-class citizens, without any kind of freedoms that were not granted to them by the male members of their families — the education of children solely through the Koran and haddits, among other radical measures, which reflect the extremist and medieval character of this type of practices and thinking.
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