Início » Dictatorship trained military personnel who today populate Bolsonaro government

Dictatorship trained military personnel who today populate Bolsonaro government

Igor Gielow

1. Hamilton Mourão, 2. Jair Bolsonaro and 3. Augusto Heleno after graduating from the Army skydiving course, probably at the end of 1979 (Audacious Skydivers on Facebook)

One of the bases of support of the current government, in uniforms brings from the authoritarian regime the mentality that the Armed Forces are important for the national union

The rise of retired Army captain Jair Bolsonaro to power made the eyes of a generation of Brazilian general officers shine.

After 33 years outside the country’s decision-making nucleus, the uniformed personnel saw an opportunity for redemption.

Read more at Folha de S.Paulo.

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