For the vice president of APPII, “a digital transformation of companies that are not members of any CEO, is covid 19, that was what made this transformation”.
The new coronavirus pandemic was an accelerator of digital transformation for companies. This pace will not slow down in the coming years in the construction and real estate sector. Digital media allows you to maintain activities and even develop business, but also open a Pandora’s box. It is necessary to go further in this digital version, but without forgetting or replacing the human role of the human factor.
These are some of the conclusions of the webinar “Digital Business Transformation in the Construction and Real Estate Sector”, integrated in the webinar cycle TEKSIL 2020, an organization of the Salão Imobiliário de Portugal and Tektónica – International Construction and Public Works Fair, which took place this Tuesday (June 2).
Read more in portuguese in Dinheiro Vivo