Manuel Sobrinho Simões turns 73 in September, always misses his foot to talk about himself in the third person and as if he were 100 years old – but this “guy” who sleeps six hours a night after all runs as if he were twenty. The reason? “O cagaço (the fear)” of death after a collection of scares. So many times, he thought: “The guy can die, man!” I never realized. He started to run more.
Founder of Ipatimup in 1989, Prémio Pessoa in 2002, considered the most influential pathologist in the world in 2015, the highest authority on thyroid cancer, the man who is above all a teacher writes words in a notebook so as not to forget them. But it is his words, sung in the slang of Porto, that deserve to be written, so as not to forget them.
Father of three children and grandfather of six grandchildren, “speaks at the elbows” but did not want to talk about the pandemic and, almost everything, responded with a new “I don’t know”. He knows more than he says and JN responded to everything, giving two hours of his time.
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