Início » Being born in the middle of a pandemic. The marks that can remain on babies and parents

Being born in the middle of a pandemic. The marks that can remain on babies and parents

Covid-19 changed their plans. TSF tells the stories of four women who are experiencing pregnancy in one of the most challenging moments in their memory.

“Hello, Lorenzo! As I wrote a few days ago, the situation in the world is not easy, but fortunately the three of us are still healthy at home. From what the studies indicate, you will be born at the peak of the pandemic, so the mother is a little scared , of course – that’s not how I imagined the time of your birth. “

Carla Mottola started a diary as soon as she entered a low period, already 36 weeks pregnant. She is a general practitioner of general and family medicine at the Algés health center and the mid-March updates precipitated the last day of work. “The doctors were all concerned, because it coincided with the days of the first scares and the first meetings”, he recalls.

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