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Chinese investments turn to agriculture and digital infrastructure

Fitch Solutions believes that China will continue to be Sub-Saharan Africa’s largest trading partner, but the focus will be on smaller projects, in the areas of agriculture and digital infrastructure.

“We believe that mainland China’s investment in sub-Saharan Africa will continue to be significant in the coming years”, write the analysts of this consultancy owned by the same owners of the financial rating agency Fitch Ratings, noting that “although China continues to be a fundamental partner for most African countries, the nature of investment on the continent will change”.

In an analysis of China’s investment in the continent, sent to investors and to which Lusa had access, Fitch Solutions writes that “the recent pledges of the leaders of the G7 show investment promises of 200 billion US dollars and 300 billion of euros from the European Union contrasts with the 709 billion dollars already in use under the Chinese initiative of the new Silk Road”.

Read more in Hoje Macau

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