North Korea on Tuesday criticized UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ condemnation of recent North Korean missile launches and the call on Pyongyang to end provocations and return to dialogue.
“We deeply regret that the UN Secretary-General issued a statement unfounded criticizing the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, official name of the North] for its righteous self-defense reaction in dealing with US military provocations,” the statement said. North Korean government in a statement.
According to Kim Jong-Un’s government, Guterres is acting as a “spokesperson for Washington”, which he considers “deplorable”, since “the UN is a world body based on justice and objectivity, therefore , must not be biased by the interests and views of a great power,” the ministry said in a statement quoted by the official KCNA news agency.
On Friday, the UN Secretary-General reiterated “his calls on North Korea to immediately desist from further acts of provocation and fully comply with its international obligations under all relevant Security Council resolutions”, he stressed. Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for Guterres.
*With agencies