Início » Mister Nzila wants to conquer the Angolan public

Mister Nzila wants to conquer the Angolan public

With almost two decades living in the countries of origin of many of the African immigrants who in Angola have the canteen business, in fact, it is there that he was part of his artistic training, Mister Nzila now bet on his musical career in Angola. Still a boy, at the age of 11, he left the country and accompanied his father on a service mission in countries like Togo, Gabon, Cameroon, Ghana and Cote d “Ivoire. He did a degree in Botany but did not leave music, which, as a child, he absorbed in Angola, to which he added what he drank from the frantic musical environment of the three countries he grew up in. Portuguese, English, Kikongo, Kimbundu, Lingala, Umbundu and West African language expressions are used in his themes, where love , peace, daily life and pan-African sentiment, which his life path allowed, are highlighted.

Mestre Nzila recognizes that his insertion in the Angolan market will not be easy, so, in the first phase, his work in the oil industry is the support not only for his livelihood, but for the financing of his musical project. In this Angolan phase, it already has six songs recorded with the sounds of Afro-House, Naidja, Raggamuffim, and Reggae, styles that are very popular on the continent, to which Zouk, Kizomba and Ghero Zouk added, which greatly mark the Angolan and other countries in the musical world. Palop. The moment is now to promote the themes “Bokolo”, with Mestre Dangui, “Luzolo Kiami”, “Kill Me” and “Tudo Bala”. The current State of Emergency in the country, because of Covid-19, obviously does not allow it to do concerts, being the alternative the television programs.

Read more in portuguese at Jornal de Angola

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