From inside his apartment in the Pinheiros neighborhood, in São Paulo, the writer Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, 83, listens to the pots banging on time at 8:30 pm in the last few days. “I take a frying pan, I take anything and I’m going to beat it,” he told Folha in a telephone interview.
For Brandão, however, the pots against President Jair Bolsonaro are not the only form of protest suitable for the moment. “It seems that the reaction has already started with civil disobedience,” he says. For him, “governors, mayors and the people are against the orders of the president”.
Before Bolsonaro was elected, Brandão wrote a dystopia that shows a Brazil ruled by a brainless president, plagued by epidemics where caravans pass by transporting the dead.
In fiction, advisers to the president design campaigns with sayings like “Don’t give in to the abyss, work” and “Forward, Brazil. Onwards”.
Read more in Folha de S. Paulo