Início » Majority of Luanda citizens defend State of Emergency

Majority of Luanda citizens defend State of Emergency

The majority of respondents (68 percent) argue that the State of Emergency should be extended for another 15 days – as it happened – because the disease is serious, the situation in the country can get worse, the positive cases of Covid-19 are increasing ( 36 percent) and its spread (34 percent) should be avoided.

The greatest fear of the population, in addition to contamination by the disease, is the lack of food (18.2 percent).

Among the 32 percent of respondents who disagree with extending the State of Emergency to April 25, 24.5 percent argue that extending the confinement period increases the likelihood of not having anything to eat.

This week, the citizens’ state of mind expresses concern (52.3 percent), while the feeling of calm / tranquility dropped to 36.8 percent and that of insecurity affects 26.4 percent of those surveyed.

Read more in portuguese at Jornal de Angola

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