Início » Guinea-Bissau officials raise number of cases to 36

Guinea-Bissau officials raise number of cases to 36


Guinea-Bissau has recorded three new positive cases of contagion with the new coronavirus, bringing the number of people infected in the country to 36, Guinean health officials announced on Friday.

According to doctor Tumane Baldé, from the Operational Center for Emergency Health, of the “86 samples collected for the national laboratory, 83 cases were negative and three were positive, increasing to 36 the cases confirmed with covid-19”.

“Of the three new cases, two are from the autonomous sector of Bissau and one from Canchungo”, said the doctor.

As part of the fight against the new coronavirus, the Guinean authorities declared a state of emergency, as well as the closure of air, land and sea borders in Guinea-Bissau, measures that were accompanied by a series of other restrictions similar to what is happening. in several countries around the world.

One of the restrictions only allows people to travel between 07:00 and 11:00 local time (less than one hour than in Lisbon).

The covid-19 caused 572 deaths in Africa and 11,400 cases are reported in 52 countries, while 1,313 people have recovered, according to the latest data on the continent’s pandemic.

The new coronavirus, responsible for the covid-19 pandemic, has already infected more than 1.5 million people worldwide, of whom nearly 89,000 died.

Of the cases of infection, more than 312 thousand are considered cured.

After appearing in China in December, the outbreak spread across the world, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic situation.

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