Início » Technology, music and humor for an unprecedented Holy Week in Spain

Technology, music and humor for an unprecedented Holy Week in Spain

The new coronavirus and confinement deprived cities and towns in Spain of Holy Week processions, a tradition that has been popular since the Catholic Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries. The walks that gather crowds have been replaced by unusual solutions.

Some faithful have relived the Passion of Christ on social media. “Every day, at the time of each of the processions, we display on the profiles of the Junta de Semana Santa the images that would be courted. And on the YouTube channel, we place a procession from the previous year,” explained José Adrián Cornejo, president of the Salamanca brotherhood council.

The only visible external manifestation are solitary songs in honor of Christ and the Virgin, on the balconies of Andalusia.

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