Início » ‘If you listen, you’ll know my heart’, says Lady Gaga about next album

‘If you listen, you’ll know my heart’, says Lady Gaga about next album

‘If you listen, you’ll know my heart’, says Lady Gaga about next album
Music video ‘Stupid Love’
‘Stupid Love’ music video | D.R.
The pop singer said that new work is fun and, therefore, feels proud

Lady Gaga promises that her new album, “Chromatica”, will be dancing and fun, to ward off bad days.

The singer prints the cover of “In Style” and said in an interview that the album tells the story of her life. “I am very proud because, while it is fun and celebratory, if you listen to the songs, you will really know my heart,” he says.

“It’s like the song gives you permission to go on. Even if you had the worst day possible, you can dance.”

Gaga told “In Style” that she learned her relationship with herself has improved thanks to artistic experiences. “You know what, Gaga? You want to know Stefani? In health and poverty, I am with you and I will hold your hand no matter what,” she said.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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