With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world submerges in economical uncertainty. There is no answers yet on how to deal with the aftermath but there are some continents that are expected to have more problems than others. According to a study of the African Union, cited by Reuters, this year, african countries will be seriously hit and it can result on a loss of 20 million jobs.
African governments are in risk of loosing between 20 and 30% of tax revenue, estimated in 500 billion dollars. At least 15% of the direct foreigner investment can be lost.
Exports and imports will be affected too, with a possible loss of 35% relative to 2019, which can be translated in 270 billion dollars.
The countries that will take the most damage are suspected to be Angola and Nigeria, the biggest exports of petroleum in Sub-saharan Africa. They can loose up to 65 billions of dollars each, because of the continuous drop in the market.
Tourism and transportation, in countries supported by tourism such as Cape Verde, Maricias, Seychelles, can register a loss of 50 billion dollars amid Covid-19 pandemic.