Início » Blanca, journalist, “organizes” Covid-19 corpses in the streets

Blanca, journalist, “organizes” Covid-19 corpses in the streets


The chief ” Guayas ” and his wife ” Quil ” were symbols of the Aboriginal resistance, which, says the Ecuadorian people, chose to fight to the death, instead of paying allegiance to the Spanish conquistadors, who arrived here in 1538, led by Francisco de Orellana . Independent since 1820, the center of the country’s fishing and manufacturing industries, Guayaquil is the second largest city in Ecuador, after the capital, Quito. It is located on the western bank of the Guayas River , which gives the province its name and flows into the Gulf of Guayaquil , in the Pacific Ocean.

Blanca Moncada Pesantes is a journalist for the daily Expresso de Guayaquil, the Ecuadorian city that, these days, is the epicenter of Covid-19 in the country and that, alone, has more chaos than several South American countries.

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