Início » Attack on military camp causes 20 deaths

Attack on military camp causes 20 deaths


“The terrorists attacked the army camp in Bamba early this morning, and at least 20 soldiers were killed,” a source in the Bamba mayor’s office told the French news agency, on condition of anonymity.

“The terrorists are already gone, but the equipment has been destroyed,” added the same source.

Another official contacted by AFP said the death toll could be even higher, given that searches for the missing are still ongoing, and said there were also fatalities among the attackers.

This is the most recent attack suffered by the army in recent months, due to the worsening security conditions in Mali, with several operations attributed to the ‘jihadists’ causing dozens of deaths among the forces of the authority.

Since 2012, the year in which a coup d’état was carried out that would overthrow the then President, Amadou Toumani Touré , the conflicts have claimed thousands of victims and hundreds of thousands of displaced people.

In view of the deteriorating security situation, the current President of Mali, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, recently decided to break with the line officially followed until then and try to enter into dialogue with some ‘jihadists’.

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