Início » Liga wants to resume championship at the end of May

Liga wants to resume championship at the end of May


Resume the championship at the end of May. This is the intention of the professional clubs, which left this Thursday’s meeting of the Permanent Committee on Calendars. The League presented a plan for the return to competition, respecting the indications of the government and health authorities, who predict that the peak of the pandemic happens in late April and early May, and following the indications of UEFA, which wants to know who qualifies. for the Champions League and the Europa League until August 3rd.

The idea is for the return to happen in stages. First, there will be two or three weeks of preparation, in the form of pre-season, after which the championships stopped since March 12 will be resumed. The return to the pitch can still happen behind closed doors and there may be two games a week in a few weeks. So it would be possible to play the ten days that are missing in just over a month. The I and II Liga were interrupted on the 24th round, so there are still ten rounds to play in the two main championships.

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